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Why experience data is key to better customer service

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  • Why experience data is key to better customer service
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Today, providing excellent customer service is more crucial than ever. Customers will do much more than just stay, though, if you treat them well. The ones who feel appreciated will actually pay more for the opportunity to do business with you.

Experience data: What is it?

The beliefs, feelings, and thoughts of customers are represented by experience data (X-data). It can be obtained by conducting surveys, filling out web forms, talking to front-line staff, and using many other customer feedback channels. While most of the data that businesses use are operational data (O-data), which is concerned with “what is happening,” X-data can reveal the “why” behind it.

How to use experience data to enhance customer service

1. Monitor the appropriate metrics and compare yourself to rivals.

Measuring is the first step in any meaningful improvement. Traditional metrics used by customer service teams include average hold time and issue resolution rates. However, those metrics only provide information on how your customer service team is performing.

2. Resolve issues before they have an impact on the bottom line.

Your company will be able to head off problems before they get out of hand if it closely monitors the mood of its customers. You don’t have to wait for a problem to start affecting your entire business before taking action because X-data enables you to identify a problem as soon as it is brought up by a single customer.

3. Refine internal processes and training

You can better understand the support pathways customers would prefer to take if you get more feedback from them. The data can be used to find both team-wide and individual improvements in training. Customers have a significant opportunity to help you grow your company when you ask them to stay on the line and offer feedback following a support call or when you send them a follow-up email asking for their opinion. Take note of any patterns in customer feedback that might point to weaknesses in the way your team handles particular situations, and train your team members to address them. To find out more about our services in detail, contact Cegura Technologies right away!

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